"Sandwich Generation" Support Group

ALL are welcome to this first meeting of this new group! Sandwiches will be served.
Are you trying to manage parenting your adult "kids" while increasingly helping your parents/in-laws with their living situations, health concerns, financial issues, driving, managing their estate and/or dealing with their passing?
We will SUPPORT each other, SHARE resources and GROW as we go!
Different focus at each meeting with open discussion; "Self Care" will be our first topic. Evite will be sent closer to the event.
Questions? Contact: Laura Spilman Laura.Spilman@HoustonAggieMoms.org 210-560-9656 or Bendi Saindon BWSaindon@gmail.com 713-254-0116
Bendi Saindon's Home (4603 Banning Dr.; 77027)
Wednesday, January 29, 2025 6:00pm